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Mass Gainers

Want to Gain WeightMass Gainers can be  the savior for you. In this blog, I will explain everything you need to know about Mass Gainers.


mass gainer


First things first.

What’s the difference between weight gain and muscle gain?

You must’ve heard and confused this terms with each other. Well, they are not alike.

As I elucidated in one of my blogs that our body weight is composed of fat mass and fat free mass(muscle mass).

Weight gain, as the name implies that you’re gaining weight but you may be gaining purely fat mass, muscle mass or blend of both. When we talk about muscle gain, it means we will try to gain more and more weight from muscle mass keeping the weight gain from fat mass to minimum.

NOTE: You cannot gain purely muscle mass while keeping fat gain to absolute zero as a natural lifter. Obviously and surely, you will gain some amount of fat mass along with muscle but our goal is to gain most of the weight from muscle mass while keeping fat gain to the least we can.

Mass Gainers

Now’ let’s dive into main topic of this blog.

Mass gainers are one of the oldest and most eminent supplements in the market. Every major company has it’s own range of mass gainers with glitzy names – XXL mass gainers, extreme mass gainers, serious mass etc.

Stop Being Fooled

Mass gainers are marketed in such a way that majority of the population is forced to believe that it miraculously aids in gaining muscle mass.

Well, muscle gaining is and will always remain a combination of optimal training, nutrition and recovery.

Supplements and everything else will always be secondary. Hence, one or even multiple tubs of mass gainers won’t get you jacked like the athlete on it’s packaging.

What are mass gainers?

A mass gainer is basically the powdered form of a meal. It majorly contains carbohydrates(65-70%), moderate amount of protein(20-30%) and a crumb of fats(5-10%).

So, these are simply supplements that help you consume extra calories. This eventuates in increased calorie intake, which is cornerstone for putting on muscle mass.

Instances where mass gainer can be useful

1. You are underweight and have a small appetite. Mass gainer can feed your body with a good chunk of calories and because of being in liquid form, appetite won’t be an issue.

2. You can only eat 2-3 meals after long gaps. Here mass gainer can be used as a snack meal.

3. You cannot pack a meal for college/office and all there available is junk or low quality food. Here, a mass gainer can be extremely useful in hitting your macronutrients target.

Which mass gainer to buy?

If you do require a mass gainer, following are the most important considerations:

  • It has at least 15gram of protein per scoop(per scoop, not per serving)
  • Ensure that the source of protein is a quality one like whey concentrate, isolate, casein, egg protein or blend of all three.
  • Check carbohydrate source. Avoid dextrose based mass gainers. Maltodextrin and waxy maize are acceptable. Complex carb sources like oats, quinoa powder are best.


That’s all about today’s blog, I've explained everything you need to know about mass gainers.

See you all in my next blog. Till then, stay fit, keep exercising and be benevolent towards others.



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