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Dynamic Stretching Vs Static Stretching

In this blog, I am going to draw a contrast between Dynamic Stretching and Static Stretching and which one is more beneficial.

Stretching is crucial for improving your health and most importantly, for your flexibility. Good flexibility aids you in performing squats, deadlifts and various other lifts optimally. But flexibility ain’t the prime focus of our workout, people often stretch prior to their workout for warming up and preparing their body for upcoming workout.

There are numerous different type of stretching – dynamic, static, ballistic and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation(PNF). But the two most important stretches which are bone of contention in the fitness industry are dynamic and static stretching. Which is suitable to be done before workout?


In static stretching, you stretch a muscle or group of muscles by holding the stretch for a period of time. The stretch is generally held for 20-60 seconds. This is then repeated 2-4 times.


dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching is more functionally oriented stretch. Sport specific movements are used to move the limbs through greater range of motion. It involves whole body movements and actively moving a joint without holding the movement. This is generally repeated around 10-12 times.

Which of the stretching is apt to be done prior to workout?

Earlier it was perceived that stretching before any workout, actively or sport would reduce the chances of injuries and prepare the body for grueling workout to come.

But recent studies suggest that if you stretch before a workout, you might have higher chances of injury than if you don’t especially if you’re doing static stretching. There’s also other evidence that performing some types of stretching before workout might decrease power and speed which eventuated in coaches and personal trainers recommending that any stretching before workout should be dynamic stretching.

The most likely reason why static stretching should be avoided before workout is that holding the stretch drains out your muscles.

You should warm up by doing dynamic stretches which are like your workout but at a lower intensity. Doing dynamic stretching with the same intensity as your workout will also drain you out before workout. So, keep the intensity of dynamic stretching to lower side.


If you don’t want to forsake static stretching, then doing it after the completion of your workout would be a much much better option. Researches have attested that static stretching after workout can relieve muscle soreness to about 2-3 mm on a 100 mm scale or in simple words up to 2-3%. Everybody is more flexible after their workout because you’ve increased the blood circulation to those muscles and joints as you’ve been moving them in your workout.


dynamic stretching vs static stretching

So that’s all about today’s blog. I've explained you everything about dynamic stretching and static stretching.

See you all in the next blog. Till then, stay fit, keep exercising and be benevolent towards others.


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