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Different Types of Diet Style and which one is Best?

on Different types of diet style and which one is best?


In this diet style, 35-45% of your total daily calories you should consume from carbohydrates, 30-35% of total daily calories from protein, and 20-25% from fats.

For instance, let’s suppose your daily calorie intake is 2700 calories. So arbitrarily, 40% from carbohydrates means 0.4*2700 = 1080 calories from carbohydrate sources, 35% from protein means 945 calories from protein, 25% from fat means 675 calories from fat sources.


In the keto diet, there is a drastic reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates and they are supplanted with fat.

In a keto diet, you would consume 55-60% of total daily calories from fats, 25-30% from protein and 5-10% from carbohydrates.

let’s take the previous example of 2700 calories, in keto it will be like – 60% from fat means 1620 calories from fat, 30% from protein means 810 calories and 10% from carbohydrates means 270 calories.

This diet style is particularly invented for folks seeking fat loss.


People fallaciously fancy that keto has an edge over other diet styles especially low carb diet because in keto diet, drastically reducing carbohydrates and increasing fat intake put the body in KETOSIS in which your body utilizes fats as main source of energy over carbohydrates.

Folks misinterpret this statement as more fat loss because the body is utilizing fat as it’s primary energy source.

What they don’t think is that if they’re burning more calories/energy from fat, they’re also consuming profuse amount of fat. On the other side, in low carb if you’re burning less calories/energy from fat, you’re also consuming low amount of fat. So, there is equilibrium.

In essence, keto has no edge over low carb diet for fat loss and it is also substantiated by researches as well.


This is more of an eating pattern rather than a diet style.

It does not say anything about which food you should eat but rather when you should eat it. That’s why it is more of an eating pattern.

Intermittent fasting can help reduce the number of calories you consume in a day, if you’re doing it and there’s no calorie deficit while you break your fast, you’ll not lose weight.

intermittent fasting methods
These are numerous intermittent fasting methods you can apply according to your inclinations and needs.


To put it bluntly and honestly, none of the above diet style is best and vice-versa. It varies from individual to individual.

If someone love eating too many fats, keto is best for him and low carb is worst and conversely if someone relish eating carbohydrates, low carb is best for him and keto is worst. In a nutshell, IT DEPENDS.

The cornerstone of fat loss will always remains the calorie deficit, whether to create that deficit from keto, low carb, intermittent fasting – that’s up to your needs and preferences.


As i blabbered that for fat loss you need to create a calorie deficit. In the same way for weight gain you need to create a calorie surplus means you should consume more calories than your body needs to maintain current weight. You can commence with 250-500 calories surplus followed by a well balanced diet which contains 40-45% carbohydrates, 25-30% fat, 25-35% protein.

PRO TIP: Don’t create a humongous surplus of 1000 calories in the beginning because in that case, you will gain muscle but that will come at the expense of gaining the ungodly amount of fat. Commence with small surplus of 250 calories and than increase it gradually according to your goal.

So, that is it for today’s blog, I've explained you all about different types of diet styles and which one would be best for you.

I’ll see you all in my next blog, till then stay fit, keep exercising and be benevolent towards others.


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