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Different Types of Protein Supplements and which one to Buy?

There are many different Types of Protein Supplements in the market. In this blog, I am going to explain each and every one of them.




As in one of my erstwhile blogs, i elucidated the importance of protein for our body.

In this blog, i will explain different types of protein supplements available in the market and which one you should buy.

But firstly, i urge you to consume as much protein as you can from your diet. These protein supplements ain’t magical, they just fulfil your protein requirements which you can’t reap from the diet. That’s it.

For instance, if your protein requirement for the day is 160 gram, try to consume 80-100 gram from whole foods and rest you can slake from these protein supplements and if you’re able to slake all 160 gram from whole foods, that’s splendid.

Whole foods contains numerous vital nutrients other than protein. So, getting ample protein from whole foods should be your first priority and then if you’re unable to satiate your protein needs, then go for a protein supplement.


  • WHEY PROTEIN: This is extracted from milk. It is the liquid that separates from curd during cheese making progress. It’s high in protein and also contains lactose – a milk sugar.

Whey protein is further of three types:

1.    Concentrate whey: Produced by extracting protein from milk, these typically delivers 60-80% protein, with remaining 20-40% consists of fat and carbs. It is high in lactose comparing to another types of whey.




2. Whey isolates: An additional filtering process removes fat and carbs, further concentrating the protein. While whey protein retains some lactose, the isolate version contains very little lactose because most of the sugar is lost during protein processing. Isolates are 90-95% protein.


3. Whey hydrolysates: Produced by further heating with acid or enzymes which breaks the bond between amino acids. Hydrolysates contain negligible amount of lactose.


  • Casein protein: Similar to whey, casein is a protein found in milk. However casein is digested and absorbed much more slowly. Casein forms a gel when it interacts with stomach acid, slowing down stomach emptying and delaying your blood stream absorption of amino acids. This makes casein a good choice to be consumed before bed time, when you’ve a long period of time without food.


  • Pea protein: Pea protein has it’s edge among vegetarians, vegans and people with allergies to dairy and eggs. It is made from the yellow split pea, a high fiber legume.


In a 12 week study in 161 men doing resistance training, those who consumed 1.8 ounces(50g) of pea protein daily experienced similar leap in muscle thickness as those who consumed the same amount of whey protein everyday.

  • Soy protein: This is another high quality vegetarian protein, it does contains all the essential amino acids.

Researches have validated that men can consume 1/3rd of their protein requirement per day from soy sources without any detrimental effects to their testosterone levels.


To be honest, it depends.

Maybe you’re lactose intolerant and face difficulties in digesting milk sugar, so isolates or hydrolysates could be a better option for you.

In case someone is vegan, soy and pea protein could be best option for him/her.

So, it boils down to individual needs and preferences.

All of the above protein supplements are well researched.

Just keep in your mind that your diet and eating habits comes first before these supplements. If your diet is lousy, your eating habits are horrible, then these supplements will just burn your money and can’t help you in achieving your fitness goal.

So, that’s all about today’s blog, I've explained you each and every type of protein supplement available out there. 

See you all in next blog. Till then, stay fit, keep exercising and be benevolent towards others.



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