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Everything You Need to Know about Protein

In this blog, I am going to explain about Everything You Need To Know About Protein.
ProteinIn our nutrition, there are 3 macro nutrients(required by body in large amounts) – carbohydrates, fats and protein.
PROTEIN is one of macro nutrients our body needs. It is build up from various amino acids.
Amino acids are the building block of protein and protein is the building block of our muscles.
For instance, consider a wall made up of bricks. Here wall is protein and bricks are amino acids.
There are at least thousands of proteins in your body which make you what you are but we here are talking about dietary protein.
Why you should pay attention to your protein intake?
there is a common myth in India specifically that protein is only for those who engage themselves in any sports or are going to gym but it is a misconception.
sufficient protein is the need of ever human body. It is not only for the purpose of building muscles but your body needs protein to carry out it’s different functions smoothly.
Benefits of protein:
protein sources
Good for your bone health: Researches and scientists have validated that taking enough protein strengthens your overall bone structure. it’s specially for those who are above 30 years of age because after the age of 30 years, bones starts weakening and taking enough protein can preserve your bone strength so that you can do your daily tasks seamlessly.
Improves your immune health: Being deficient in protein can be detrimental for your immune system and will make you prone to many hazardous diseases.
Improve body composition: Body composition refers to the percentage of fat,bone,water and muscle in your body. Protein intake aids you in improving your body composition by increasing the percentage of muscles in your body.
Increase muscle mass and strength: Taking ample protein along with some type of resistance training increase the size and strength of your muscles.
These are some benefits of protein but they’re not all benefits. Protein helps your body carry out different processes smoothly and it has plethora of other benefits also.
Health risks of not consuming adequate protein
“according to our latest survey with IPSOS, a leading global market and opinion research firm,around 68 percent of Indians have lower content of protein in their body than adequate and 71 percent of people have poor muscle health” – Inbody clinical executive Dr Ankita Ghag said in a statement.
  1. Delayed growth
  1. loss of muscle mass
  1. thinning hair
  1. weakening of bones
  1. degenerated immune health
  1. sabotaged muscle strength
  1. joint pains
How much protein do you need?
It depends.
  • 1 gram per kilogram of body weight for those who just want a healthy lifestyle, want to do their daily tasks smoothly
  • 1.5 gram per kilogram of body weight for those who are more health conscious, have a job that requires more physical and mental effort like school teachers, laborers.
  • 2-3 gram per kilogram of body weight for those who have serious goals about their body like athletes, gym trainee.
Myths regarding protein consumption
  • High protein can adversely affect your livers and kidneys: This is the erroneous belief that people have of protein. It is true that restricting protein can benefit those with pre-existing kidney disease but it should not be taken in other way.
Numerous researches including a study by jose antanio and colleagues in which they keep 14 healthy resistence trained men randomly on normal diet for 2 months and a high protein diet(4g/kg of bodyweight) for 4 months. They did this periodically for one year.
protein effects on kidney
Human organs. Heart kidneys liver eyes brain stomach educational medical vector realistic anatomy pictures. Illustration of internal organ, medical education anatomy
When it comes to sources there are two type of sources of protein:
INCOMPLETE SOURCES: These sources are called incomplete because they do not contains all amino acids. some amino acids are always absent in them. Examples of such sources are pulses, rice, wheat chapati.
COMPLETE SOURCES: These sources are called complete because they contain all amino acids in it. Examples are beef, chicken, fish, soya protein, pea protein, milk, whey protein, tofu.
For those whose goal is to just stay healthy, incomplete sources can do that work for them but if you have some serious goals about your physique, then you must incorporate more complete sources of protein in your diet.
How to increase your protein systematically
If you’re an individual(male or female) and currently eating low amount of protein let’s say 60 gram and your body requirement is 150 gram. Do not increase your protein consumption instantaneously to 150 gram because your body isn’t habituated to such high dose and it will eventuate in constipation. bloating, protein farts.
does protein cause bloating
Increase your protein intake gradually like 10 gram per week or 15 gram per week.
So, that’s all about this blog. I've explained everything you need to know about Protein.
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