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Body Recomposition: Doable or Not?

What is Body Recomposition?
In comprehensible terms, Body Recomposition is the process of losing fat and gaining muscle concurrently.

Is it attainable?

As I explained in one of my blog that the calorie surplus(consuming more calories than your body needs) is the cornerstone for muscle gaining.

But in some cases it is possible to gain muscle without any large calorie surplus or any surplus at all. For example, if a grossly obese person is endeavoring to lose fat, in that process he will also gain some muscle as the body will use extra energy from ungodly fat to fuel muscle gain.

This is due to the law of thermodynamics – “Energy can neither be created, nor can be destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another”.

In which cases it is feasible?

  1. Newbie lifters have best chance for body recomposition because they’re predominantly primed for muscle building. Also calories/energy can be pulled from fat to fuel muscle building.
  2. Overweight individuals can eat in a calorie deficit and still have ample energy stores to fuel muscle building.
  3. Detrained individuals that have built decent level of muscle before can clinch body recomposition. This is due to the phenomenon of muscle memory.

In which case it is unattainable?

Body recomposition conceivably won’t happen in advanced trainee who already have achieved muscle and strength well nigh to their genetic potential.

How to achieve body recomposition?

  1. Weight training
  2. Focus on progressive overload
  3. Decide your primary goal whether you want to lose fat or gain muscle first. It totally depend on your body type and preferences. If your body fat percentage is <15%, focus on gaining muscle and conversely if your body fat percentage > 20%, focus on losing fat first.
  4. Get sufficient sleep(Explained in one of my blog, check it out.)
  5. Optimize your diet
  6. Set up your calories and macros aptly
  7. Consume protein adequately


So, that’s it for today’s blog, I've explained you whether Body Recomposition is doable or not. 

See you all in my next blog. Till then, stay fit, keep exercising and be benevolent towards others.


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