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Fiber: An Underlying Macro-Nutrient

Fiber is one of the most important and underlying macro-nutrient which helps in performing various bodily functions.

Fiber is one of the most avoided but important macro for our fitness goals. As a fitness enthusiasts, we often emphasize more on protein, fats, supplements but in that run we overlook the importance of fiber. Fiber is incredibly imperative.


Fiber is a type of carbohydrate but unlike other carbs, it cannot be broken down into digestible sugar molecules/glucose. Therefore, fiber passes through the intestinal tract intact.

Fiber is classified as soluble which dissolves in water and insoluble which doesn’t dissolve in water.

  1. Soluble fiber: This type of fiber dissolves in water to form a gel like material. It can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Soluble fiber is found in oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley.
  2. Insoluble fiber: This type of fiber promotes the movement of material through your digestive system and increase stool bulk, so it can be beneficial for those who struggle with constipation or irregular stools. Whole wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts, beans and vegetables are good sources of insoluble fiber.

The amount of soluble and insoluble fiber varies in different plant foods. To elicit greatest health benefits, eat a wide variety of high fiber foods.


A high fiber diet:

  1. Normalize bowel movements: Dietary fiber increases the weight and size of your stool and softens it. A bulky and soft stool is easy to pass, decreasing your chances of constipation.
  2. Helps maintain bowel health: A high fiber diet may lower your risk of developing hemorrhoids.
  3. Lower cholesterol levels: Soluble fiber in beans, oats, flaxseed may help lower blood cholesterol levels by lowering low density lipo protein(bad cholesterol) levels.
  4. Helps control blood sugar levels: In people with diabetes fiber particularly soluble fiber can slowdown the absorption of sugar and help improve blood sugar levels. A healthy diet containing insoluble fiber also reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
  5. Helps in satiety: High fiber foods keep you satiated and filled for long time and you won’t feel like eating more and more. This is helpful for those whose goal is fat loss as they’re in calorie deficit. So, consuming ample fiber will keep them satiated and prevent them from eating galore.


While there are many general recommendations that men should consume 25g fiber and women should consume 20g per day. But the more individualized recommendation would be 10-15g/1000 calories rule.

It means that for every 1000 calories you should consume 10g-15g fiber. So if your daily calorie intake is 2000 kcal, you should consume 20-30g of fiber.

how much fiber your body needs

PRO TIP: Don’t consume fiber in ungodly amounts as that might make you feel bloated/cause a heaviness in your stomach.

So, that’s all about today’s blog, I've explained you everything you need to know about Fiber: An Underlying Macro.

See you all in my next blog. Till then, say fit, keep exercising and be benevolent towards others.


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