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Mass Gainers

Want to   Gain Weight ?  Mass Gainers  can be  the savior for you. In this blog, I will explain everything you need to know about  Mass Gainers.                                                                              First things first. What’s the difference between weight gain and muscle gain? You must’ve heard and confused this terms with each other. Well, they are not alike. As I  elucidated in one of my blogs  that our body weight is composed of fat mass and fat free mass(muscle mass). Weight gain, as the name implies that you’re gaining weight but you may be gaining purely fat mass, muscle mass or blend of both. When we talk about muscle gain, it means we will try to gain more and more weight from muscle mass keeping the weight gain from fat mass to minimum. NOTE: You cannot gain purely muscle mass while keeping fat gain to absolute zero as a natural lifter. Obviously and surely, you will gain some amount of fat mass along with muscle but our goal is to gain

Different Types of Protein Supplements and which one to Buy?

There are many different  Types of Protein Supplements  in the market. In this blog, I am going to explain each and every one of them.     As in one of my erstwhile blogs, i elucidated the  importance of protein  for our body. In this blog, i will explain different types of protein supplements available in the market and which one you should buy. But firstly, i urge you to consume as much protein as you can from your diet. These protein supplements ain’t magical, they just fulfil your protein requirements which you can’t reap from the diet. That’s it. For instance, if your protein requirement for the day is 160 gram, try to consume 80-100 gram from whole foods and rest you can slake from these protein supplements and if you’re able to slake all 160 gram from whole foods, that’s splendid . Whole foods contains numerous vital nutrients other than protein. So, getting ample protein from whole foods should be your first priority and then if you’re unable to satiate your pro

Supplements that can help Promoting Good Sleep

Good sleep  is of paramount importance. Here are few  Supplements that can help in Promoting Good Sleep.     A robust sleep is of paramount importance if you desire good health. I already expatiated about sleep in one of my erstwhile blogs, i elucidated everything why sleep matters, health risks of rotten sleep, how much sleep you need?  – you can check out that blog by clicking here. In this blog, I will pontificate about some supplements that can help you in getting good sleep if you find yourself jittery and unable to sleep well. So if you want little aid in acquiring good sleep, consider these four supplements: MELATONIN Melatonin is a hormone which your body produces naturally, which signals your brain that it is the time to sack out. The hormone’s cycle of production and release is influenced by the time of day – melatonin levels naturally rise in evening and fall down in morning. Melatonin supplements have became a popular sleeping aid, particularly in instances where melatonin

Everything You Need to Know about Protein

In this blog, I am going to explain about Everything You Need To Know About Protein. In our nutrition, there are 3 macro nutrients(required by body in large amounts) – carbohydrates, fats and protein. PROTEIN is one of macro nutrients our body needs. It is build up from various  amino acids. Amino acids are the building block of protein and protein is the building block of our muscles. For instance, consider a wall made up of bricks. Here wall is protein and bricks are amino acids. There are at least thousands of proteins in your body which make you what you are but we here are talking about dietary protein. Why you should pay attention to your protein intake? there is a common myth in India specifically that protein is only for those who engage themselves in any sports or are going to gym but it is a misconception. sufficient protein is the need of ever human body. It is not only for the purpose of building muscles but your body needs protein to carry out it’s different functions smoo

Sleep: Irreplaceable Supplement

In this blog, I am going to explain about why Sleep is an Irreplaceable supplement and how much Sleep is appropriate. “IF YOU DON’T SLEEP YOU UNDERMINE YOUR BODY” . In today’s world, where everyone is determined to achieve their goals, most of us are belittling the importance of sleep and then there comes some motivational speakers who reinforces the idea of not sleeping enough and just keep grinding and grinding. If you are also influenced to sleep less, then after reading this blog, you’ll definitely change your mind. so, get your favorite drink and let’s commence this blog. Sleep SLEEP gives your body time to recover, conserve energy,repair and build up the muscles worked during exercise. whether you like to run,jog, do yoga or go to gym – a good night of sleep is paramount for optimal performance. sleep is the body time to recover itself from the physical stress it goes through in a day. better sleep means peachy recovery. working out on no sleep means your body hasn’t fully rec

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