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How to Approach Workout

The Basic principles of  workout are Adherence, Volume, Intensity, Progression, Frequency, Rest periods.



In this blog, I will talk about adherence, volume and progression. Rest I will cover in forthcoming blog.


“If you can’t adhere to your plan even if it is the best training plan of all time, you won’t get satisfactory results.”

For instance, you downloaded the 6 day training plan of your favourite bodybuilder from the internet but your lifestyle doesn’t facilitate you to train 6 days/week, you’ll end up being peeved and disheartened.

“Even if your plan is not the optimal one but you find it easy to adhere with, you relish doing it, it will give you results.”

Components of ADHERENCE:



The first question you should ask yourself is that if your training program is realistic and doable.


If you’ve only one hour in a day to be spared for training/workout, then your training plan must match with your time frame. I mean how much sustaining it would be if the training program you created demands 2 hours and you’ve just one hour to devote to your workout.

“Consistency is what bring the results rather than perfection”


You also need to contemplate your schedule on week to week basis. If you’ve decided that “optimal approach” is training 6 days a week, yet you’re a father who works 50 hours/week, has a hobby, tends to have family commitments on weekends, so the “6 days/week plan” isn’t your cup of tea.

“You’ve to start with what you can do before deciding what you should do.”


After realistic comes enjoyable. are you feeling invigorated or drained after a workout? Is your workout giving you joint pains?

So why enjoyment is important? I guarantee that if you take a suboptimal plan that you love, you’ll put more effort into it than if you take an optimal plan which you don’t enjoy at all.

Fitness is along term game. So, if you’re not enjoying your workout, chances are that you’re going to be inconsistent and ultimately will wimp out of workout/training.

“Optimal doesn’t equal sustainable, don’t set yourself up for failure.”


Volume is the total amount of work you do in the gym.

volume = sets*reps*weight on the bar.

So, how many sets you should do for one muscle group/week?

The answer is 10-20 sets per muscle group per week. Keep in mind the overlapping muscles.

For instance on compound lifts like bench press, you ain’t just training your chest but also triceps while lifting the bar up and down. So, by virtue of this maybe you don’t need to train your triceps as hard as you’re hitting your chest.

Volume is the key driver of hypertrophy(increase in size and improvement in the shape of muscles) but more volumes isn’t good always. Many researches have attested that increase in volume beyond 10-20 sets per muscle per week actually has detrimental effects on strength and hypertrophy levels, that’s why i called volume a double edged sword. To read more about volume you can grab a copy of the book training pyramid by eric helms or just can watch the eric helms video about volume on YouTube.


“If you’re going to gym but completely oblivious about the concept of progression, you’re just breaking the bones.”

What is progression or progressive overload?

It means making your muscles work harder than they are used to or in simple terms to increase the total work you’re doing in the gym. By work i mean to say to increase the volume of your workout.

volume = sets*reps*weight on the bar

How to progressively overload?


For instance, you hit 8 reps of bench press with 100kg weight on the bar, now next week when you’ll again hit bench press try to increase the weight on the bar or the reps with same weight. You don’t need to increase the weight drastically, even the increment of 1kg or 1 rep will increase the total volume of your workout, don’t make big jumps.

“progress is progress even if it is slow or imperfect.”

So, that’s all about today’s blog. I will cover rest of the principles in forthcoming blog. Till then, take care, keep exercising, stay fit and be benevolent towards others.



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