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Fiber: An Underlying Macro-Nutrient

Fiber is one of the most important and underlying macro-nutrient which helps in performing various bodily functions. Fiber is one of the most avoided but important macro for our fitness goals. As a fitness enthusiasts, we often emphasize more on protein , fats, supplements but in that run we overlook the importance of fiber. Fiber is incredibly imperative. WHAT IS FIBER? Fiber is a type of carbohydrate but unlike other carbs, it cannot be broken down into digestible sugar molecules/glucose. Therefore, fiber passes through the intestinal tract intact. Fiber is classified as  soluble  which dissolves in water and  insoluble  which doesn’t dissolve in water. Soluble fiber:  This type of fiber dissolves in water to form a gel like material. It can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels. Soluble fiber is found in oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley. Insoluble fiber:  This type of fiber promotes the movement of material through your digestive system and incre

Antioxidants in Post Workout!

In this blog, I will explain you about whether you should consume Antioxidants in Post Workout or not. KEY TERMS: ANTIOXIDANTS : These are man-made or natural substances which prevent cell damage by inhibiting the process of oxidation. MITOCHONDRIA : They are the rod shaped organelles that can be considered as the power generators of cell, converting oxygen and nutrients into adenosine tri-phosphate(ATP) which is considered as the energy currency of the cells. FREE RADICALS : They  are oxygen-containing molecules with an uneven number of electrons. The uneven number allows them to easily react with other molecules.  Free radicals  can cause large chain chemical reactions in your  body  because they react so easily with other molecules. These reactions are called oxidation. Oxygen is a necessary element for all the human beings, without oxygen we would die in few minutes. But inside our body, oxygen is toxic, reactive gas that likes to bind with other molecules in the body, forming reac

Green Tea for Fat Loss, Really? Let’s Debunk this

In this blog, I will explain about whether Green Tea helps you in Losing Fat or Not. Green tea is a very healthy drink and is very famous and respected drink worldwide. It’s eminence is due to health benefits it provide that comes from the antioxidants abundantly found in it. A particular benefit that made green tea more famous lately is it’s popular role in weight loss. Green tea can indirectly aid in your weight loss but to a very small or negligible extent. In this blog, I won’t discuss about other health benefits of green tea because internet is already lousy with it. There is lot of positive evidence that green tea serves benefits to almost every organ system in body.  You can read this article But when it comes to fat loss, which is the major selling point of green tea, we have to take more deeper look into it. What is in Green Tea which Aids in Fat Loss? Green tea has plethora of antioxidants or polyphenols called as catechins. memorize the catechin EGCG, i am going to use it i

Dynamic Stretching Vs Static Stretching

In this blog, I am going to draw a contrast between Dynamic Stretching and Static Stretching and which one is more beneficial. Stretching is crucial for improving your health and most importantly, for your flexibility. Good flexibility aids you in performing squats, deadlifts and various other lifts optimally. But flexibility ain’t the prime focus of our workout, people often stretch prior to their workout for warming up and preparing their body for upcoming workout. There are numerous different type of stretching –  dynamic, static, ballistic and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation(PNF).  But the  two most important stretches  which are bone of contention in the fitness industry are dynamic and static stretching.  Which is suitable to be done before workout? STATIC STRETCHING In static stretching, you stretch a muscle or group of muscles by holding the stretch for a period of time. The stretch is generally held for 20-60 seconds. This is then repeated 2-4 times. DYNAMIC STRETCH

Different Types of Diet Style and which one is Best?

on Different types of diet style and which one is best? In this blog, I am going to explain about Different Types of Diet Styles and which one is best for you. LOW CARB DIET In this diet style, 35-45% of your total daily calories you should consume from carbohydrates, 30-35% of total daily calories from protein , and 20-25% from fats. For instance, let’s suppose your daily calorie intake is 2700 calories. So arbitrarily, 40% from carbohydrates means 0.4*2700 = 1080 calories from carbohydrate sources, 35% from protein means 945 calories from protein, 25% from fat means 675 calories from fat sources. KETO DIET In the keto diet, there is a drastic reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates and they are supplanted with fat. In a keto diet, you would consume 55-60% of total daily calories from fats, 25-30% from protein and 5-10% from carbohydrates. let’s take the previous example of 2700 calories, in keto it will be like – 60% from fat means 1620 calories from fat, 30% from protein mean

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