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Dynamic Stretching Vs Static Stretching

In this blog, I am going to draw a contrast between Dynamic Stretching and Static Stretching and which one is more beneficial. Stretching is crucial for improving your health and most importantly, for your flexibility. Good flexibility aids you in performing squats, deadlifts and various other lifts optimally. But flexibility ain’t the prime focus of our workout, people often stretch prior to their workout for warming up and preparing their body for upcoming workout. There are numerous different type of stretching –  dynamic, static, ballistic and proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation(PNF).  But the  two most important stretches  which are bone of contention in the fitness industry are dynamic and static stretching.  Which is suitable to be done before workout? STATIC STRETCHING In static stretching, you stretch a muscle or group of muscles by holding the stretch for a period of time. The stretch is generally held for 20-60 seconds. This is then repeated 2-4 times. DYNAMIC STRETCH

Different Types of Diet Style and which one is Best?

on Different types of diet style and which one is best? In this blog, I am going to explain about Different Types of Diet Styles and which one is best for you. LOW CARB DIET In this diet style, 35-45% of your total daily calories you should consume from carbohydrates, 30-35% of total daily calories from protein , and 20-25% from fats. For instance, let’s suppose your daily calorie intake is 2700 calories. So arbitrarily, 40% from carbohydrates means 0.4*2700 = 1080 calories from carbohydrate sources, 35% from protein means 945 calories from protein, 25% from fat means 675 calories from fat sources. KETO DIET In the keto diet, there is a drastic reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates and they are supplanted with fat. In a keto diet, you would consume 55-60% of total daily calories from fats, 25-30% from protein and 5-10% from carbohydrates. let’s take the previous example of 2700 calories, in keto it will be like – 60% from fat means 1620 calories from fat, 30% from protein mean

Vital Micronutrients you should be consuming

In this blog, I am going to explain about some  Vital  Micronutrients you should consider consuming for Good Health. There are two broad categories of micronutrients in nutrition i.e.  Minerals(which are inorganic), Vitamins(organic). MINERALS Minerals are those inorganic things that are on  periodic table . It is divided into two categories: Macro-minerals(needed by body in large amount) Trace-minerals(needed by body in smaller amounts) Macro-minerals include calcium, phosphorous, potassium, sulphur, sodium, chlorine and magnesium. A lot of these are electrolytes, which tie into our fluid intake and balance. The trace minerals are elements such as iron, copper, cobalt, zinc, molybdenum, iodine and selenium. VITAMINS Vitamins are classified into two categories: Fat soluble Water soluble These category names refer to way that these different vitamins can be absorbed into body. Fat soluble vitamins are absorbed with assistance of fat via the small intestine and tend to stick around in ou

Intra Workout Nutrition

In this blog, I am going to explain about various Intra Workout Nutrition options and which one is suitable for you. Ever seen someone drinking something colorful in gyms, well let’s talk about them. Intra workout drinks are usually consumed during workout for a quick quiver of energy. They contain simple carbs(fast digesting) so that you won’t feel any heaviness in your stomach. Simple carbohydrates like dextrose, fructose, glucose are broken down expeditiously by the body to be used as energy. GOAL OF INTRA WORKOUT DRINKS HYDRATION:  During workout you must stay properly hydrated because even 2 percent dehydration can affect your performance. Due to sweating, water loss happens and one of the primary goals of the intraworkout(I.W) drinks is hydration. That’s why water is a major component in I.W drinks. ENERGIZE:  I.W drinks contain simple carbs to boost performance and amino acids to boost your recovery. ELECTROLYTE REPLENISHMENT:  Most I.W drinks contain Na+ and K+ electrolytes be


Creatine is one of the most researched, popular natural supplement. Creatine is produced endogenously, it’s synthesis predominantly occurs in liver, kidneys and to a lesser extent in pancreas. 95% of the body creatine stores are found in the skeletal muscle and remaining 5% are distributed in brain, liver, kidney and testes. Creatine is a molecule that’s produced in the body from amino acids. It stores high energy phosphate groups in the form of phospho creatine which are donated to ADP(Adenosine Bi Phosphate), regenerating it to ATP(Adenosine Tri Phosphate), the primary energy carrier in the body. Benefits of Creatine The main purpose and primary benefit for which creatine is well researched is an improvement in strength and power output during resistance exercise. When used in conjunction with resistance exercise, creatine mildly increase the lean mass(muscle mass). Indirectly, creatine also aids in negating fatigue by increasing the strength and power output. Side Effects If you co

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