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Body Recomposition: Doable or Not?

What is Body Recomposition ? In comprehensible terms, Body Recomposition is the process of losing fat and gaining muscle concurrently. Is it attainable? As I explained in one of my blog that the calorie surplus(consuming more calories than your body needs) is the cornerstone for muscle gaining. But in some cases it is possible to gain muscle without any large calorie surplus or any surplus at all. For example, if a grossly obese person is endeavoring to lose fat, in that process he will also gain some muscle as the body will use extra energy from ungodly fat to fuel muscle gain. This is due to the law of thermodynamics – “Energy can neither be created, nor can be destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another”. In which cases it is feasible? Newbie lifters  have best chance for body recomposition because they’re predominantly primed for muscle building. Also calories/energy can be pulled from fat to fuel muscle building. Overweight individuals  can eat in a calorie deficit

All About Citrulline Malate

What is Citrulline? L-citrulline is one of the three dietary amino acids in the urea cycle, alongside L-arginine and L-ornithine. It is used in areas where nitric oxide is relevant, namely athletic performance, vascular health, and erectile dysfunction. Citrulline Malate? Citrulline is bound to malate, an organic salt of malic acid. It is the most researched form of citrulline. Malate is mainly responsible for the sour taste of citrulline malate. Arginine or Citrulline? Now if citrulline ultimately produces arginine in our body, why don’t we consume arginine directly? A small amount of research suggests that taking citrulline will lead to higher and more consistent arginine levels than taking arginine itself. Citrulline is very readily converted into arginine as needed and it is also better absorbed than arginine, which not only makes it a better source of arginine for the body but also eventuates in a lower rate of gastrointestinal upset. Benefits? Several studies have shown that cit

Simple Tips for Weight Gain

In this blog, I will explain some Simple Tips which will help you in Gaining Weight the healthy way. What does it means to be underweight? Being underweight is defined as having a BMI below 18.5. Conversely, over 25 is considered overweight and over 30 is deemed as obese. However, keep in mind that there are many problems with the BMI scale, which only looks at weight and height. It does not takes muscle mass into account. Some people are naturally very skinny but still healthy. Being underweight according to this scale doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve a health problem. Potential risks of being underweight Obesity is currently one of the world’s biggest and insurmountable health problems. However, being underweight maybe just as bad for you health.  According to one study,  being underweight was associated with a 140% greater risk of early death in men and 100% in women. Being underweight can also impair your immune function, raise your risk of infections and can eventuate in other

Artificial Sweeteners

Trying to lose weight or striving for robust health. Then you must be trying to reduce the sugar and calories in your diet and you may be pivoting towards Artificial Sweeteners or other Sugar Substitutes . Well, you ain’t alone. SUGAR SUBSTITUTES?? Sugar substitutes are sweeteners that you use instead of regular table sugar(sucrose). Artificial sweeteners are just one type of sugar substitute. ARTIFICIAL SWEETENERS?? Artificial sweeteners are synthetic sugar substitutes. But they may be derived from naturally occurring substances, such as herbs or sugar itself. Artificial sweeteners can be an enticing alternative to sugar because they add virtually no calories to your diet and are much sweeter than sugar. Also, you need only a fraction of artificial sweetener compared with the amount of sugar you would normally use for sweetness. HOW DO THEY WORK? The surface of your tongue is covered by many taste buds, each containing several taste receptors that detect different flavors. When you ea

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