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Showing posts from September, 2022

Peri( Pre and Post) Workout Nutrition

Open google and search “what to eat before and after workout” and you will see plethora of articles on this topic, many of them are misleading, some are bit confusing. So, in this blog I am going to encapsulate some really cracking and authentic articles and researches to give you simple science-based recommendations on what to eat before and after your workout. Pre-Workout Nutrition As from the word “pre”, you can deduce that this is about eating before your workout. In few hours prior to your workout you’ll want to eat something that aids you in: 1.    Sustaining energy 2.    Boosting up your performance 3.    Speedy recovery How can you assure that you’re meeting your requirements: 1.    Protein before exercise:  It helps you maintain and even increase your muscle size. It floods your bloodstream with amino acids just when your body needs it the most. This boost your muscle building capabilities and also aids in drainin...

How to Approach Workout - 2

In my previous   blog i explained the first three principles  to keep in mind before starting your workout journey.  In this blog i will elucidate remaining 3 principles. If you haven’t read my previous blog, i would recommend you to  check it out   because all the six principles are interrelated. Today, I am going to talk about intensity, frequency and rest periods.     FREQUENCY Frequency simply means how frequently you train your muscles. the most notoriously famous training split in fitness is bro split which means training each body part once a week. The premise behind this split is to smash a muscle completely in one day and then give it 5-6 days to recover from the fatigue/workload. when i was new to fitness, i was also one of the fan of bro split but when i started reading researches and all other stuff, i came to knew that researchers have refuted the premise of bro split. numerous researches have validated that if your diet is...

How to Approach Workout

The Basic principles of  workout are  Adherence, Volume, Intensity, Progression, Frequency, Rest periods. THE MOST IMPORTANT ONE IS AT THE BOTTOM, THE LEAST IMPORTANT ONE IS AT TOP.   In this blog, I will talk about adherence, volume and progression. Rest I will cover in forthcoming blog. ADHERENCE: THE KEY “If you can’t adhere to your plan even if it is the best training plan of all time, you won’t get satisfactory results.” For instance, you downloaded the 6 day training plan of your favourite bodybuilder from the internet but your lifestyle doesn’t facilitate you to train 6 days/week, you’ll end up being peeved and disheartened. “Even if your plan is not the optimal one but you find it easy to adhere with, you relish doing it, it will give you results.” Components of ADHERENCE:   REALISTIC The first question you should ask yourself is that if your training program is realistic and doable. 1.    TIME FRAME If you’ve only one ...

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